Samsung Gear Fit Review
Adam Milton-Barker | Oct 6, 2014 | Wearables | 2480The Gear Fit is a smart watch developed by Samsung. The watch is based around fitness and includes a sensor on the back of the watch this used by Samsung apps and apps that have been developed by external developers. The Gear Fit works in conjunction with phones including Samsung Galaxy 4 and upwards. The Gear Fit Manager is an application on your Android phone that pairs with your watch and collects data from the apps that use the sensor on the watch. We have put together some images and info that will show you the basic features of the watch which are as follows: SPLASH SCREEN: From the home screen of the watch you can view the date and time and also the temperature. APPS: The top of the swipe is the area that you can access the apps which utilize the sensor. Here you will find a Pedometer, a number of Exercise apps for running/walking/hiking and even sleeping, and finally an app that measures your heart rate. NOTIFICATIONS, MEDIA CONTROLLER & SETTINGS Swiping down brings you to the a screen which provides access to notifications from official and unofficial apps that connect from the mobile to the watch. You also have control of the media player on your connected phone allowing you to choose songs and play them on your phone via the watch and general settings such as Blue tooth viability and backgrounds etc. FIND MY DEVICE: Swiping down again brings you to the an app for finding your device. Using this app will play your ring tone on your phone so that you can locate it. You download apps for the watch onto your phone and it installs a connecting app onto your watch. Apps available from external developers include the Gear Fit Calculator, the Gear Fit Calender, Gear Fit Flashlight and the Gear Fit phone which allows you to answer your phone from your watch.