Are movies really letting us know what is to come in the future? Interstellar

Adam Milton-Barker | Apr 18, 2015 | Technology Films | 4438


In my last quantum physics article I mentioned about how many people believe that some films that have been created over the last few years, are actually a way to let people know what is coming in the future. If like me, you research into modern technology, space technology and travel, quantum physics and artificial intelligence, you will begin to notice that there may just be some truth behind this theory, as a lot of films, although fictitious, are very closely connected to real research and advancements in modern technology. To most people this idea will be laughable, but the open minded and people that know their stuff about modern technology will already of noticed the connections. There are many films that fall into this category: Johnny Mnemonic, the Matrix, A.I, Transcendence, Parrallels, Chappie and lots of other films that relate to technology or quantum physics. Over the next few months I will be writing about many different films and explaining how they are related to real world scenarios. The film that I am going to talk about today is Interstellar. Interstellar is one of the best thought out films I have seen and shows a possible future where the earth is dying and to save humanity our only hope is to move to outer space. SPOILER WARNING: If you haven't seen this film yet I highly recommend watching it before reading this article as I will talk about some of the main aspects of the film. At the beginning of the film you learn about how earth is running out of food and slowly dying. This situation could very easily be a real scenario, those that have kept up to date with what is happening in California, the world's fifth largest supplier of food, will know that they are fastly running out of water, NASA has estimated they have a year of remaining water and when that time finally comes it could be catastrophic not only to California, but the United States and could possibly affect the rest of the world. I am not saying that this will lead us to a case such as the one in Interstellar, but it gets you thinking. Further on in the film the storyline takes Coop and Murph to an underground facility where what is left of NASA operates from in secret. We learn about how they had been sending astronauts into space with the purpose of finding a human habitable world where humanity would be saved. The basis behind this part of the film is more close to reality than you may like to accept. Many top scientists including Stephen Hawking are warning that humanity's only chance for survival is to leave earth and colonize elsewhere in the universe. Not only that, but NASA is currently actively searching for habitable planets that could support human life, recently they found a few planets that could do just that including Kepler-186f. In addition to this private companies are heading up missions such as Mars 1, a project whose aim it is to send people to Mars in the next ten years with the purpose of colonizing the red planet. As Coop and Murph first arrive at NASA's secret base, they are "greeted" by an Artificial Intelligence, despite people's fear of Artificial Intelligence, this is how we will soon be living. Artificial Intelligence will take over many roles in our world in the not too distant future, it has already started now. Later on in the film you see how AI will function alongside humans and become part of the team. Although many people fear that Artificial Intelligence will end the world or take their jobs, in reality they will integrate into our world and help make it a better place, as long as humanity continues to evolve and doesn't bury its head in the sand about disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, there will be a learning curve, but it will not end in poverty. To create Gargantua, the black hole in Interstellar, director Christopher Nolan worked very closely with Kip Thorne a renowned theoretical physicist who used Albert Einstein's general relativity to create the enormous black hole we see in the film. Gargantua has been praised by scientists all over the world and has been named the most accurate depiction of a black hole to ever hit the big screen. The black hole was so close to reality that it actually helped scientists come up with a scientific breakthrough in the study of black holes, thanks to the film and the data provided by Thorne, we now actually do know what black holes look like. Using 8 terabytes of data the computer generated black hole showed an unexpected but accurate halo of white light which surrounds the black hole, helping scientists to understand how they work more than they did before the movie. Later in the year 2 research papers will published based on these findings. The final part of the film that I will talk about is towards the end where Coop and TARS go through the black hole. Recently I wrote a quantum physics article about how many scientists believe that the world is actually a 3D hologram of a 2D reality and the information in that article is loosely connected to this part of the film. In this scene we see Coop floating through what seems to be a library of his daughters life. TARS explains to Coop that to save the earth, humans of the future created a 3D projection of earth inside their 5D reality. TARS gathered data which Coop sent back to his daughter using Morse Code which resulted in her cracking the workings of gravity and ultimately saving the earth. Many people and scientists believe that we do live in a hologram of reality, and once this is proven we should be lead to technology that will enable us to carry out tasks such as time travel and even creating our own worlds and universes. There are other parts of the film that I and others believe are based on real life scenarios, but these are just a few that I believe to be the most interesting ones. I have had many conversations with people about this and some are open to the ideas, some are not. I guess only time (if it really exists) will tell.