How LED lighting will save homes/businesses & organizations 100's to 10's of thousands on annual energy bills, and how we can help
Adam Milton-Barker | Aug 8, 2015 | Disruptive Technologies | 2487 As technology advances, more and more ways are being discovered to reduce the cost of energy and make the methods we use more energy efficient and eco friendly. Technologies such as wind/hydra and solar power have revolutionized generating clean, efficient power and are now becoming more accepted and widely used. In addition to this there are now many different applications and methods you can use to help cut the cost of your energy bills, from mobile and desktop environment management applications to the Internet of Things and LED lighting. Like most of the new technologies that are emerging, LED lighting has been around for quite some time and during that time the technology has advanced quickly. In almost all organizations in the UK there is a high level of energy waste going on. Unnecessary energy waste that is costing the UK alone, billions of pounds every year. With the right education and a simple installation your energy costs are significantly and instantly reduced by 60-90% saving thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds a year. From homes, schools, colleges and universities to manufacturing and engineering plants, car showrooms, office blocks and retail units; every type of building can have its energy bills heavily reduced by using LED lighting. Recently TechBubble Technologies joined up with EuroTech and a company that are currently well established in the UK for specializing in managing energy efficiency projects for both the public and private sectors, UK Energy Watch/UK Energy Lighting. As you may already know TechBubble was created to provide the latest web & IoT technologies at a good price, with the aim of helping businesses by increasing their productivity and efficiency through the use of modern technology and innovation. With this new partnership European LED Lighting will be extending the reach of UK Energy Watch/UK Energy Lighting expertise, products and services to help homes, businesses, public and other sectors in Spain, and further afield, save thousands on energy bills through the use of the various technologies. Already responsible for helping UK organizations save over £2,000,000 in energy savings the UK Energy Watch/UK Energy Lighting team are committed and driven to help their clients save £10,000,000 in energy savings by December 2016. Currently UK Energy Watch/UK Energy Lighting have saved thousands for companies and organizations such as the NHS, Audi, Toyota, Citreon, Premier, Subway, Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Blackpool Zoo. Our new hybrid app is now live where you can purchase LED lighting related products and services. Check out the site as we will fill it up with stock over the next few days. For those interested in having an audit to see how much you will save from LED lighting please contact us, Alicante - Spain & UK only at this time but more areas coming soon! Hybrid App: https://www.europeanledlighting.com/ Store: https://www.europeanledlighting.com/onlinestore/ Facebook App: https://apps.facebook.com/euroledlighting Facebook Tab App: https://www.facebook.com/pages/European-LED-Lighting/723957424375392?sk=app_443594152509459