Disruptive Technologies
Disruptive Technologies
Disruptive Technologies
Disruptive technologies come in many shapes and sizes, the MicFlip raised 128,204 USD on Indiegogo and is disrupting the world of Micro USB cables...
Dec 2, 2015 | 2623
As the title says, disruptive technologies come in all shapes and sizes, the way things once used to work are flipped upside down and new technologies replace t...
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Disruptive Technologies
Disruptive technologies and the 4th industrial revolution are here now, not in the future, how will you prepare yourself, your business and family?
Dec 1, 2015 | 4995
If you know me or follow my articles you will know that for many years I have been warning about disruptive technologies, the 4th industrial revolution and the ...
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Disruptive Technologies
Self aware - reproducing & evolving robots, walking humanoids, disruptive technologies and the journey towards the singularity that humanity seems so determined to ignore.
Aug 24, 2015 | 4571
Disruptive technologies as a whole have always been a hard one to talk about due to peoples fears that technology will either wipe us out, or create a world of ...
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Disruptive Technologies
How LED lighting will save homes/businesses & organizations 100's to 10's of thousands on annual energy bills, and how we can help
Aug 8, 2015 | 2475
There are now many different applications and methods you can use to help cut the cost of your energy bills, from mobile and desktop environment management appl...
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Disruptive Technologies
Disrupt or be disrupted! Technology is your best friend and your worst enemy! Why you need to learn new skill sets to avoid a possible poverty crisis.
Jul 1, 2015 | 4671
Over the last year there has been massive amounts of both new technology and new projects revealed that really are going to make a difference, as much as I love...
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Disruptive Technologies
The journey to Nikola Teslas dream of free energy for everyone.
May 3, 2015 | 16599
Nikola Tesla, otherwise known as "the man who invented the 20th century" was born in 1856 in Croatia. One thing that Tesla truly believed in was...
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