Windows Developer Program For IoT Advanced Setup

Adam Milton-Barker | Oct 16, 2014 | Devs and Techs | 3542


After connecting the Windows Galileo successfully to the development PC, I then began the advanced setup stages, following the docs provided in the link below: The first settings I updated were the name of the board using SetComputerName command in Telnet before shutting down and rebooting. After this I continued to bridge the Galileo board with the development PC's network connection which allows you to connect to the internet. I had issues after taking this step, on the next login to Windows I had no internet connection until I removed the bridge. I had already completed the demo of the Hello Blinky example from the samples (, you can see the video of the sketch in action below. During the time that the video was taken I had an issue with connectivity which I narrowed down to be related to our AVG Business. After a call with AVG I was able to locate the issue which was solved by adding a new security rule. Once the issue had been fixed I was then able to confirm I had internet connectivity on the board by pinging using Telnet. The final bit of work I did on the Windows Galileo was to connect Visual Studio to the Galileo and then use the OnBoard Thermal Sensor script provided in the samples. You can see the screen shots below which show some of the areas covered in this article. I will be continuing development on the board and deciding which routes to take with the program. Initially I feel our projects will be based around personal/home and business security, I have a few ideas forming so stay around for more info!