The Microsoft Windows Development Kit For IoT
Adam Milton-Barker | Oct 11, 2014 | Devs and Techs | 2959 I was awarded the Windows Development Kit for IoT ( The Internet of Things ) back in September. The Development kit was provided to help strengthen the program, my findings whilst developing will help identify issues and bugs and I hope my work will be beneficial to the program. Below you will find a list of what the Kit includes: 1 Intel Galileo Development Board, 1 LED, 1 Ethernet Cable, 1 USB To Ethernet Adapter for my development PC, 1 16GB SD Card Pre loaded with Windows for the Intel Galileo The Microsoft Development Program For IoT is the Microsoft Windows program for developing for the Internet Of Things, I will be writing some further articles in the future to provide documentation of my work and findings. You can still register to join the program on the following link but they are not releasing any further Development Kits for the time being.