Adam Milton-Barker | Sep 30, 2014 | Computers Hardware & Software | 2368 The Windows event today definitely did not did not go as most of the tech world had thought. Over the last week there has been buzz all over the social networks about what the next Windows will be called. Most people seem to have stuck with Windows 9, but there were many others! This morning in San Francisco, Microsoft revealed to the world, Windows 10! Don't we all feel silly :D At this moment we are not quite sure if the information that we shared this morning ( https://www.techbubble.info/blog/Computers/entry/Windows-9-Free-Upgrade-For-Windows-8-Users ) about said leaked comments from Andreas Diantoro the President of Microsoft Indonesia, were true but you can be sure we will be following this closely during the night (Spain). Whatever the reasons for these moves, Microsoft have sure attracted a lot of attention and we look forward to hearing updates from the event. Rather than do multiple articles we will wait until all has been revealed to do our next article on the new Windows 10 Operating System.