The oIsCore Artificial Intelligence Medical Neural Network

Adam Milton-Barker | Nov 30, 2014 | Artificial Intelligence | 3781
As Artificial Intelligence is getting quite a lot of pressure and bad press at the moment, we believe it is time that there be some positive information about the current status of Artificial Intelligence and how it can be used to help solve critical problems in the world. In general people believe that A.I is as you see in the movies, which mostly portray Artificial Intelligence in a Terminator type way, destructive or a threat to the planet. In reality, we are a very long way from anything even remotely capable of becoming sentient, let alone taking over the world, the processing power required which would include Quantum processors is a long way from possible. As we stand today Artificial Intelligence is used widely around the world and in everyday life, A.I that is available to the public is a form of A.I known as Narrow or Weak Artificial Intelligence, meaning that it has limited intelligence with no self awareness. Their purpose is to play a set role without the capabilities of becoming self aware. Examples of Narrow A.I that is used in every day life are apps like Siri, Cortana and Google Now which use the cloud to provide an automated service to their owners. One area that Artificial Intelligence is helping to enhance and progress is the medical industry, and this is what our article today is about. Back in July oIsCore (Online Intelligent Systems Core), a project founded by TechBubble founder Adam Milton-Barker, announced news that their A.I team had expanded and was joining forces with a group of developers in Sao Paulo, Brazil. oIsCore welcomed three new developers including Eduardo Alevi who would head the development team in Brazil. Gilgamesh Artificial Intelligence Project was a project that was created by Eduardo and some other developers evolving from a project called Spirit Project. The A.I Neural Network has previously been used by Eduardo to predict stock market moves and provided satisfactory results. In 2014 Adam and Eduardo met through Google+ and decided to join forces to build a new Neural Network based on the foundations of Gilgamesh-AI, this project is now known as the oIsCore JMNN Artificial Intelligence Medical Neural Network. The A.I Program will work by doctors inputting patients symptoms to the program, the more data the program gets the more accurate its diagnosis will become and the more accurate prescriptions can be calculated. Think of how many people have died or whose conditions have worsened due to miss diagnosis, this program will help to eliminate human error, meaning that doctors can prescribe the right medicines or treatments, and would minimize the risk of missing that small but important symptom that could mean the difference between life and death. The project will be open source but to ensure that the project can be monitored properly during the early stages all contributors will need to send a CV and detailed description of their plans to join the project. oIsCore will soon be beginning to contact major hospitals that may be willing to help test the program and make it become more efficient with the hope that it will soon play a major role in the medical industry. In the future oIsCore plan to integrate the Neural Network with other services offered by both TechBubble and oIsCore including the web platform / API and other future projects for the Internet of Things such as smart watch applications etc. Currently the team is about ready to launch the first version which is a mobile application and oIsCore released sneak peaks of the demo application back in August which you can see below. We truly believe that this program can really make a difference to the world. If you are interested in joining the main development team on the primary project, or if you are wanting to obtain codes for your own development purposes or in the medical industry and are interested in getting involved with the progression of the program please contact oIsCore via their website or social media pages. Below you will find some links for oIsCore and links to the official Gilgamesh-AI Project Website which provide a more thorough background on Gilgamesh-AI including a detailed how to and info PDF which lays out how Eduardo originally built Gilgamesh-AI.