Makers of the BBC micro:bit launch their DIY gamer kit with Arduino Uno core, and we get to test run it!

Adam Milton-Barker | Oct 9, 2015 | Technology Education | 5183


Although it is still not widely accepted yet, learning about technology is one of the most important factors for a successful future for the human race. We are now in the connected era and moving ever closer to a fully automated world. If you follow my articles you will know that I have absolutely no doubt that the current disruptive technologies are going to eliminate the majority of the existing markets, and that without proper education, training and understanding of technology the human race could very easily be thrown into a poverty that exceeds the impact that the industrial revolution had.

I fully support developers, companies and institutions that help to inspire and promote innovation and creativity. One of the most important responsibilities of the tech companies of today is to expand the knowledge and capabilities of people by helping them learn about modern technology, creating technology and using technology safely.

Recently I have been approached by one such company and have been very kindly asked to review one of their new innovational products that aims to help children and adults learn the basics of soldering, working with circuit boards and programming games. Technology Will Save Us is a very inspirational company that is well known for creating the amazing BBC micro:bit in conjunction with the BBC, ARM and Microsoft amongst others. In case you haven't heard about the micro:bit, it is an ARM-based embedded system that will be distributed to every year 7 pupil in the UK with the aim of helping the next generation learn how to program and be creative with technology.

Technology Will Save Us have been featured in WIRED, the Guardian, Fast Company, The Sunday Times, MoMA and of course the BBC. They have created many cool products that aim to provide families, educators and children new opportunities to learn and create using technology.

"All of our products are vehicles for education that encourage everyone to make, play, code and invent with technology. Using everyday life as inspiration, our kits tap into the hobbies and passions that we love – music, gardening, cycling and gaming."

The company has a clear passion for both technology and helping people learn, the main qualities that I thrive on seeing in modern day start-ups. Their technology relates the programming world to the things that people love in everyday life, music, gaming.

"Making things in the real world using technology provides more immediate satisfaction, emotional and intellectual awareness and a deeper understanding of the skills learned."

I am very excited and privelaged to be invited by Technology Will Save Us to test out their latest innovational product, DIY Gamer Kit. This kit provides the parts to build your very own hand held games console using a soldering iron and the pieces provided in the kit. Whilst building the kit you can make use of their easy to follow instructions that will take you through everything from soldering parts on the circuit board to attaching the core of the unit which is an Arduino Uno, a micro controller that is very commonly used in the world of IoT development. Once you have completed the construction of the console, you have only just begun, from here you can view How To vidoes and guides that will take you through programming games for your new console with the Arduino IDE.

Their website is full of useful resources, information and products to help people of all ages learn how to develop their own technology so make sure you check it out on the link above.

I am very happy to be in contact with Technology Will Save Us, and really looking forward to testing out this new product. If you are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest make sure you follow them and show your support for the amazing job they are doing. I hope to be able to test out some more of their products in the future and look forward to seeing their progress as they help the world learn about technology. Check out the photos and videos on this page for more info and don't forget to join them on their social media pages.

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