The Intel Galileo Development Board
Adam Milton-Barker | Oct 10, 2014 | Devs and Techs | 6807The Intel Galileo is a development board, similar to Raspberry Pi, basically these boards are mini computers and people can buy them to build their own custom projects, from flashing LED's to more advanced technologies like the Internet of Things. http://arduino.cc/en/ArduinoCertified/IntelGalileo . The Internet Of Things is the new internet, with an estimated 75 billion devices ( and probably growing ) connected to the IoT by 2020, I will be focusing more on the Internet of Things over the coming months so make sure you keep your eyes open for updates. The first Intel Galileo I purchased from the Arduino Store which comes with a small Linux image that allows you to develop custom sketches using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment). The IDE provides some example sketches for you such as a sketch that makes an LED on the board flash on and off and you are able to modify these sketches to suit your own purpose. As the Galileo is an Arduino Board you can use the extensive Arduino Store to purchase extensions of your board that open up an unlimited amount of possibilities. So far I have set up the board to boot a larger Linux image off an 8GB SD Card. The board is connected to our router using an Ethernet cable which opens up loads more options on the board itself as well as other features like Shell access (if you are trying this out DON'T forget to set a root password as soon as you connect to it the first time, also you can check that you have upgraded your security on your router to WPA2 if available). I have a number of projects already started on the Linux board, one of which can communicate back to our API and retrieve specific information. Keep your eyes open for further information about the TechBubble Linux board and also we will be posting some info about my 2nd board which is set up for the Windows Developer Program for IoT.