Stephen Hawking and the Intel Connected Wheelchair
Adam Milton-Barker | Oct 12, 2014 | Devs and Techs | 4688This is without a doubt one of the best videos I have seen recently for showing off how technology is helping to enhance the world of disabled people. Who better to hear from about both subjects than one of the worlds greatest minds, Stephen Hawking, talking about the Intel Connected Chair and how it, and technology in general, is helping him in everyday life. I am already a close follower of Intel and their products, and connect with the type of image they give out with their powerful promotional videos. As well as following their work I also participate in the Intel Community and Intel Developer Zone during work with the Intel Galileo Development Board. In the video which you will find below, Stephen presents the Intel Connected Wheelchair and shows off some of its features and history. Using the Intel Galileo board the wheelchair communicates to an application that provides realtime statistics of the chair and also information about where the chair has been etc. Check out the video, which really is an inspirational video for any developer out there whether currently involved with IoT or not. I will follow the progress of the Intel Connected Wheelchair in the future through our Hybrid App and social media.